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Decrypting the Code to Choosing the Right Web Host Provider

How to Choose a Web Host Provider

Did you know there are more than 200 million active websites in the world? If you’re trying to advertise a product or service online, you could compete with thousands of other websites in your niche. That means you must take every step possible to gain an advantage over competitors in a crowded marketplace.

If you want to start a website, you’ll need quality hosting. What that looks like will vary heavily depending on the type of site you are running. Choosing the right web host provider can be difficult due to the number website host options out there. And, many people don’t know about the pros and cons of different hosting services. 

Let’s look at some features offered by the best hosting services. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the best web hosting.

Explore the Types of Website Hosting

Before you choose your hosting service, you should understand the different types. Each type has its own advantages, so think carefully about your personal needs.

VPS Hosting

VPS means virtual private server. It uses virtualization to share the resources of the underlying server. VPS servers offer a high level of customization as you will enjoy greater control over what you install and you configure your VPS instance. 

This type of web hosting offers a higher level of security than other types. Each server user has their own space, so there is less room for bad actors to interfere with the server. It’s also a highly reliable method of server hosting since problems in other areas of the server won’t impact your uptime or performance.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting uses resources spread across many separate locations. Cloud hosting is easier to scale with higher demand since it uses a range of servers. It is straightforward to set up since most features for this kind of dedicated hosting are available right out of the box.

Cloud servers are highly versatile. They are perfect for everything from WordPress hosting to hosting a corporate site. 

A web host using a cloud server hosting is not tied to one location. Visitors to your site will be rerouted through the geographically closest server, providing better speed and reliability.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Hosting Features

Web hosting can come with plenty of different add-on features. Many of these features will help you to grow or manage your website more efficiently. 

Some hosting services offer free website builders, using programs like Wix. These can be highly useful if you are building your site from the ground up. 

Email services may also come free with your webpage hosting. You can register email addresses to your new domain, creating a unique, professional-looking point of contact for your site visitors. 

A file manager is another commonly offered useful feature.  This takes the headache out of managing the enormous number of files associated with many websites. You can even set permissions and limits for your different files.

We can also provide traffic monitoring and statistics. This allows you to see who is visiting your website and build your audience. 

Many people choose to start with basic packages, then upgrade as their site and its audience grow.  Check back regularly and consider whether you may benefit from adding additional features.

Speed and Reliability

Studies show that when a website takes longer than three seconds to load, more than half of site visitors will lose patience and click away. That’s why it’s so important to ensure your web hosting is fast and reliable. 

Similarly, if a website is regularly offline, visitors are unlikely to return. You could lose sales or damage your reputation if your site is unreliable. 

Our servers use LiteSpeed Webserver proxied by NGINX for industry-defining speed.  This is an advanced web server that offers unrivaled speed and reliability along with a slew of technical benefits.


Uptime is the time that a service stays online. Maximum uptime means minimal disruptions for you and your site visitors.  

In an ideal world, your web hosting would be permanently online. But 100% uptime is simply unattainable. After all, small problems will always occur in any business. But you should look for a website host offering at least 99% uptime.

We offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Our reliable servers and a dedicated staff contribute to the smooth running of our services.

Server Locations

It’s important to think carefully about server locations. The location of your server will impact the speed of the website. Try to choose a server located in your target. If you are based in Spain, but you are targeting customers in the United States, it will be better to choose a server in Dallas than in Madrid. 

MoonQube offers a range of server locations in the United States and Europe. You can choose whichever location you like for no extra charge.  It’s the best way to enjoy faster connection times and better reliability.

Consider Any Specialisms You Need

Some websites may require specialist services. You might be looking for additional CPU cores or need additional tech support. MoonQube provides a range of specialist services to support site owners.

Choosing a Web Host That Offers Unmatched Support and Service

If something goes wrong with your website, you need access to speedy and effective support.  If the site goes down or you notice a functionality issue, you can’t sit around waiting for days. 

We offer round-the-clock support to our service users. If you experience any problems, you can open a support ticket using the simple interface. Our technicians will get to you quickly and solve the problem.

Don’t Leave Website Hosting Security to Chance

In the modern world, bad actors are rife.  From DDOS attacks to data breaches, there are lots of issues that may impact a website. It’s vital for you and your site visitors that you keep your website secure. 

When you use our services, you don’t have to worry about paying through the nose for security services. We offer the following to keep your site protected:

  • – Intelligent antivirus offering extreme accuracy and fast response
  • – DDoS protection
  • – Auto-clean technology, automatically cleaning and replacing infected files
  • – CMS brute force protection

Worried about losing data? We also offer daily backups, archiving your data for 30 days in off-site storage. In the event of an issue, we’ll keep your data safe and be on hand to help you restore a backup.

Find the Perfect Website Hosting Plan for Your Budget

There is a cost associated with web hosting, and this varies depending on several factors. The price starts at just a few dollars a month but can rise with extra features and increased demand.  If you’re building a business, you should look to get the lowest price possible without compromising your website’s quality. 

MoonQube web hosting starts from only a few dollars a month for the most basic packages. As you add more features or capacity to your site, you can transition to more expensive packages. It’s very simple to switch over to other packages whenever you like. 

We offer a range of extra features with our web hosting service to give our customers excellent value. From a free domain name to free transfers, you’ll enjoy so many perks when you choose us as your web host.

Mastering the Art of Web Host Selection

There are plenty of different options for web hosting. When you work with us, you’ll get the best of all worlds, as we offer a varied range of choices along with the support you need.  Check out MoonQube’s web hosting packages today and choose the one that best suits your needs.